Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Look at me! Look at me!

I am officially a published writer, yupp, me, published! I intern at the Monroe Monitor and finally had my first article online! Check it out! http://www.monroemonitor.com/main.asp?SectionID=4&SubSectionID=56&ArticleID=45

I haven't checked the actual paper yet but it is online. Go me!


  1. WOW, that is an awesome story!! I'm so excited and PROUD of you. I officially commented on the story at the paper about how great it was and how I look forward to more stories like this. Yeah for you!!!!

  2. PS. who gives a CRAP about all the dumb stuff at school, when you are on your way to a FABULOUS future!

  3. Such a great article! So professional and interesting. Who knows you could end up being the next ESPN woman reporter and end up marrying a professional player WOO HOO.
    Very Proud of you and happy to see you following your dreams. PS I have forwarded your story to all my friends so they can comment to the paper.

  4. your doing very well for how young you are
    best wishes
